Lisa Keylon

August 15, 2017

You Need To Know Your Parents Plan for Medical Decision-making

If you know what your parents' wishes are when they are hospitalized, you will experience a lot less stress.  I had a client call me to get support when his father was hospitalized unexpectedly.    His Read More...
August 15, 2017

What the New Tax Law Means to You

As you probably know, Congress avoided the so-called fiscal cliff by passing – at the 11th hour – the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (the 2012 Tax Act), signed into law by the President on January 2, 2013. The 2012 Tax Act makes several important revisions to the tax Read More...
August 15, 2017


Recently, a couple consulted with me with the primary initial concern to make sure they had living wills that would work. The husband shared his personal story of his harrowing experience where hospice would not honor his mother’s wishes in her living will. She had filled out a form on Read More...
August 15, 2017

My Dad Remarried And The Step Kids Got His Ira- Bummer!

I see this happen and really believe it probably is not what Dad thought would happen. Dad worked hard all his life and had a sizable IRA. For ease, let’s say it was $500,000. Dad was married to Mom and had You, his only child. When Mom passed away, Dad was Read More...
August 15, 2017

My brother took it all…it was legal, but not what my dad wanted!

If you want to avoid fighting in the family after you die, the clearer you make your intentions known, the better. I worked with a family in which two of the kids had sued the brother over the inheritance. After their mother died, the dad wrote his will and used Read More...
August 15, 2017

Lone Wolf by Jodi Picoult

Lone Wolf by Jodi Picoult What happens when a living will and healthcare power of attorney are years old? What happens when the named agent is estranged at the time that the person becomes incapacitated? This book deals with both of these circumstances. , While fiction, it engages you about Read More...